Dive Into The Deep: Online Prep For Underwater Exploration!

When you sign up for Open Water Diver Certification, there will be some self-study to do ahead of time. SSI (Scuba Schools International) provides it online. SSI is the certifying organization associated with Diventures. The Self Study Content Topics covered include: Physics of diving and body responses Diving gear Dive planning and safety rules Environmental…… Continue reading Dive Into The Deep: Online Prep For Underwater Exploration!

New Diver’s First Splash: Gear Fitting Fun!

When you take scuba lessons, you must purchase specific equipment before class, including snorkeling gear. The snorkeling gear comprises fins, boots, a snorkel, and a mask. You should choose your mask with care, as a well-fitted mask increases your chances for success. Snorkel I did not know snorkels come in more than one type. My…… Continue reading New Diver’s First Splash: Gear Fitting Fun!

Underwater Joy and Wonder into Better Health

Scuba diving is a physical activity with a lot of potential dangers. You have to meet a certain level of physical fitness to do it and to do it safely. Any reputable dive shop is going to require an updated health form before they’ll allow you to take a class or go on a trip.…… Continue reading Underwater Joy and Wonder into Better Health

An awesome and overdue new journey

My fascination with the underwater world started with typical kid stuff like tadpoles in streams, frogs around a lake, first fishing trips with a variety of men in my life, and mud. In junior high, I worked as a library assistant for a semester and discovered the marine research section. I read about Jacques Cousteau,…… Continue reading An awesome and overdue new journey